Springtime Liftoff

Birds are beginning to chirp, trees and flowers are getting their new leaves and the days are getting longer.  These are the signs that spring is here to encourage you to break out and refresh yourself. 

Spring is most likely the best season for making the life changes necessary to lose weight, rather than in the dead cold of January; our usual weight-loss season. If we think about it spring gives us a better sense of renewal.  Case in point... the urge to do spring cleaning. Spring is the time we get inspired and motivated to embark on new ideas and new beginnings.

 March 20th marks the beginning of spring.  When day equals night.  The Yang-Warmer energy will become more prominent with the next few months.  We feel the stirrings of unearthed energy in our body, we want to move more, get outside more.  We start to see the newness or greens poking up through the earth/ground, seeds are sprouting, and trees are leafing.

We start to use that conserved energy of winter to break out of the capsule and come alive.  Ideas begin to spark into reality.  We spring clean out debris from the winter and previous summer in our homes.  But shouldn’t we think about the largest home…. Our body!!

 General Elements

v Spring is the time of cleaning and restoration.  In Chinese Medicine, the Wood Element relates to spring.

v Wood governs Liver / Gall Bladder:  Wood= living, growing, trees plants, body

v Growing up and outward.  Develop root structure, growing structures, roots trunk limbs spine and joints.

v The associated colour is (young) green.

v The Wood element creates mental clarity, to focus, plan and make decisions.

v The climate is windy. The wind clears/blows away old energy and sweeps in new energy.

v When we have a wood imbalance we experience poor judgement, planning, and poor organization. We have an inability to make decisions and may become an overdeveloped controller, someone who tries to organize everything.  This person has a lot of difficulty relaxing and suffers from a lot of neck and back tensions, spinal troubles and poor flexibility. Don’t be this person.

The Liver is the primary organ associated with Spring.  The Liver supports the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It helps regulate blood sugar, changes fats to glucose, provides enzymes, manages hormones, filters toxins and cleanses the blood.  When the liver is overloaded, it cannot detoxify efficiently thus creating a host of issues in the body.

Stagnant liver Qi disrupts the digestive transport and creates headaches and tight necks.  It is common for a liver imbalance to surface in the springtime. Liver energy flows upward and is very active, yang rises and the growing energy is bursting forward and can aggravate a liver imbalance.

 The Chinese suggest that stress, overeating, overexertion, pollutants, poisons, emotions, bad weather and accidents weakens us.

 A Balanced wood=confident, intuitive, has a clear vision of their own path in life and has the patience to allow life to happen.  They can easily express themselves in a smooth and relaxed manner.

 Here are 7 ideas and tips to help balance that agro liver Qi. 

  • Two favourite springtime veggies are Asparagus and Artichokes.  

    • Asparagus is a powerful vegetable. It is loaded with vitamin K, is a super antioxidant, and stimulates the growth of good probiotics in the body. It is fantastic to help give the kidneys a bit of a clean-up too. Try it lightly sauteed with some olive oil and garlic.  

    • Artichokes are great because they promote liver and gallbladder function. They are loaded with cynarin which helps increase bile production, protects against indigestion, and stimulates healthy digestion.

  •  Eat Eggs - Eggs are the ideal symbol for "new life." Interestingly egg sales tend to be the highest in the springtime, and not just because of easter. Eggs are a great protein source.  An egg-white omelet with lots of veggies, or a couple of boiled eggs on toast make a super healthy breakfast. For lunch remember egg salad sandwiches or cut up an egg over your salad.

  •  As always get those GREENS - especially when the leaves are fresh. Eat more dark leafy greens like fresh or steamed spinach, chard, or kale.  You could also eat seaweeds like kombu and hijiki.  Or add superfoods, like Blue-green algae, spirulina, or chlorella to your diet for a month. Eat more sprouts: sunflower, sesame, walnuts almonds, pecans, brown rice, millet, rye, oats, pinto, mung, lentils, garbanzos.

  •  Greet the morning sun - Turn your face to the morning sunrise, and soak up its goodness.  Take 3 big breaths, and then start your day.

  • We must keep the wood element in shape and get some physical activity, mental cleansing, develop focus and decisions.  Clear out the past to make room for the new.  Walk More - There is more daylight, so there is no excuse. You can go in the morning or at the end of the day. Add an extra 30 min walk to your day to invigorate the body.

  •  Go for a Sweat. There is nothing more detoxifying than sweating out toxins.  Head for a sauna, or steam room (be sure to check with your doc on this one if you have medical issues).

  •  And as always have a GRATITUDE MOMENT for each glorious new day this spring.


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