Noteworthy Golf

We all play golf a little off course sometimes. When we have a deplorable game, it is often due to our lives consequently being a little off course from daily stress, computer jobs, repetitive movements, poor sleep or lack of concentration.

We are all looking for a method to help direct our swing and calm the nervous tension when we simply NEED to make the next shot!  Do you remember how it feels when your adrenalin is rocketing through the roof as everyone watches on? You know that somehow you must slow the rhythm of your stroke enough to make proper contact and hear that SWEET SWEET NOISE.

Golf is about slowing yourself down enough that you can channel energy through you to the club to the ball. According to the principles of Chinese Medicine, if your energy is scattered, that will tend to be a reflection of your game.  I have no doubt that you have heard about acupuncture and how it can improve golfers’ or tennis elbow. But did you know that acupuncture may help you rediscover your natural athletic swing??

How…? You ask. Is that possible??

You can prevent golf injuries and improve your game with proper training, conditioning, and focus.  The best way to have proper technique is to attend clinics, take lessons and learn skills. For this, you need concentration, focus, and energy to effectively engage yourself in a lesson. 

Acupuncture is a fantastic tool to assist in relaxing the mind, encouraging proper rest /sleep, calming the nerves and improving your energy. Studies have shown that there are endorphins and many neurotransmitters which are released within minutes of needle insertion, all working towards balancing the body's overall energetic and physiological state.

Muscular conditioning can also be assisted by acupuncture. The injuries among golfers can be equally as severe as those suffered by high impact sports. When we spend hours hitting balls on the practice tee and many more hours on the course, the chance of overuse injuries to the back, shoulder and elbow is imminent. 

Predominant back golf injuries come from a rigid swing technique causing back spasms. Acupuncture can help you pay attention to good mechanics and proper technique by increasing flexibility, endurance and strength while eliminating pain. This therapy can improve core strength and flexibility for the back, torso and shoulder.

Rotator cuff injuries tend to come from repetitive use and microscopic tears in the tendons of these muscles.  Lateral epicondylitis develops from the tension created in the straightened arm during the upward swing movement of the club.  Medial epicondylitis develops from the club striking the ground.  Utilizing acupuncture immediately after you recognize the first ache or symptom of pain in the joints will minimize your loss of playtime and prevent further injury.

Acupuncture will not only help your game but will help you feel better and be healthier in the long run.

Here are a few stretch ideas to help your swing mechanics and game warm up. They will give you an improved edge on the golf course.

  1. Stretch the back of the shoulder by grasping an elbow with the opposite hand and pulling it across your body, hold for 15 seconds. Repeat 5 times to each side 

  2. Trunk rotation swings, with or without the golf club.

  3. Raise one arm and bend it behind your head to touch the opposite shoulder blade, use the other hand to gently pull the elbow downward. Hold for 15 seconds. Repeat 3 times on each side.

  4. Wrist curls with lightweight 10 repetitions to each hand. Reverse wrist curls 10 reps. Each.

Have fun, and we’ll see you out there!! 


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